INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT Documentary - DVD w/ Bonus Material

Using their Chicago retail store and label named Wax Trax! Records, two men take a tribe of outsiders on a ride through the 1980s underground. Wax Trax! creates a new music genre that begins to gain global recognition. As the label grows in reputation a series of unfortunate events cascade through Wax Trax! and its two creators, almost causing the label's influential history to be lost forever.
DVD includes over 75 minutes of bonus material.
Steve Albini - (Big Black, Shellac)
Paul Barker - (Ministry, Revolting Cocks, Lead Into Gold)
Jello Biafra - (Dead Kennedys, Alternative Tentacles)
Chris Carter - (Throbbing Gristle, Chris & Cosey)
Patrick Codenys - (Front 242)
Chris Connelly - (Fini Tribe, Revolting Cocks, Ministry)
Marston Daley - (My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult)
En Esch - (KMFDM)
Cosey Fanni Tutti - (Throbbing Gristle, Chris & Cosey)
Dave Grohl - (Foo Fighters)
David J. Haskins - (Bauhaus, Love And Rockets))
Richard Jonckheere - (Front 242, Revolting Cocks)
Al Jourgensen - (Ministry, Revolting Cocks, Pailhead)
Sascha Konietzko - (KMFDM)
Bill Leeb - (Front Line Assembly)
Ian MacKaye - (Minor Threat, Pailhead, Dischord Records)
Franke Nardiello - (My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult)
Trent Reznor - (Nine Inch Nails, 1000 Homo DJs)
Luc Van Acker - (Revolting Cocks)
DVD: Region Free
Total running Time: 94:41